Link's Awakening: Items

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Sword - Trusty blade of Link’s. This is your main offensive weapon for most of the game. Cut through grass, or destroy enemies with this item. You can possibly find a more powerful sword on the island of Koholint.

Shield - Shield that washed up with Link. Use this to protect yourself from enemy arrow or stone attacks. You may be able to find a shield on Koholint island that can protect you from more things than your original shield can.

Power bracelet - Magical Bracelet. Use this item to lift up item obstructing your way. You can lift up clumps of grass, and ever heavy stones. Rumor has it that the island has a more powerful bracelet hidden somewhere.

Magic powder - As its name suggests, this powder is magical. Once you find a Sleepy Mushroom, you can take it to the islands local witch, and she can change the Sleepy Mushroom into a magical powder. Sprinkle the powder on a variety of things.

Roc’s feather - Legendary treasure that has been handed down from the olden times on the island of Koholint. This magical feather makes the person handling it lighter, and thus you can jump high in the air. You can jump over pits, and even over projectiles and attacks that enemies try to hit you with.

Hook shot - The end of the hook shot can be thrust into pots, blocks, and even treasure chests. Reel yourself to the item you have thrusted the end of the hook shot into. You can even use this item to destroy enemies.

Magic rod - Item found towards the end of the game. This rod can blast fireballs at enemies, and you can even light things on fire to light your way through dungeons and such. Who knows how this item will prove itself worthy.

Shovel - The shovel can dig holes into the ground. When you dig up a certain part in the ground, sometimes items are exposed. Unfortunately, some parts of the ground on Koholint are too hard to dig through.

Bow - With the bow, you can finally attack your enemies at a distance. Use this weapon wisely, you can only have a limited amount of arrows. If you run out of arrows, you can buy more at certain shops.

Bomb - This carries an explosive punch. This device can be used to damage enemies, or knock holes into some walls. Once you put a bomb on the ground, you can pick it up and hurl it at enemies or over pits sometimes.

Ocarina - Where would a Zelda game be without a musical instrument involved? Well, the ocarina is back once again. You can play several “mystical melodies.” These melodies are taught to you by someone or something. If you get into trouble, you may be able to use one of the songs to get out of trouble.

Pegasus boots - These are magical boots that allow you to run at a faster speed. You can ram objects while running with these boots. Press and hold the button you have assigned these boots to in order to use these magical boots.