The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Review

Game Information » Bosses, Trading Sequence
Information » Codes, GameShark Codes, Review
Media » Maps, Screenshots

When the Oracle Series released, I was lucky to get my hands on both versions of the Oracle series(Ages and Seasons). Once I got them, I sat down in front of my computer and began to play and type my findings.

Oracle of Ages was the second game I started. After you input all of your information, you end up at what appears to be an island. And you end up having to lead Impa to Nayru. When you get there, she's singing, and you sit down and listen. In the middle of the singing, Impa makes a strange noise and Veran tells everyone that it is him controlling Impa's every move. Veran quickly escapes from Impa's body and goes over to Nayru and she becomes under his control.

After that scene, I started walking around and I noticed unusual spots on the ground. I later found out that they are used to transportate from present to past. Your mission is to gather all 8 essenses and save Nayru from Veran. Will you accept? You better.

The control on this game is very "sinchy". All you have is 2 control pad buttons and a d-pad. It can't get much easier than that.

There are many side quests and games in this game. On the side quests, you have to do a favor for someone or something. The Side Games? They're just for fun ;)

One of the goals you should set in this game is to collect all 64 rings. You can't collect them all without the other part of the Oracle series, Oracle of Seasons.

I really enjoyed playing this game. I'd certainly recommend this game to any gamer.