Majora's Mask: Characters

Game Information: Bosses, Enemies, Heart Pieces, Hidden Holes, Items, Keaton Quiz, Mask Guide, Transformations, Walkthru
Information: Characters, Codes, Gameshark Codes, Songs, Story, Review
Media: Box Artwork, Maps, Official Artwork

Owner of the Stock Pot Inn. She forgets alot and is quick to apologise. She is also known for her bad cooking.

Bombers Gang
The local child gang of Clock Town. To get the information on how to get inside the laboritory, you must play hind and seek with these guys.

The older sister of Romani. She is responsible for taking care of the cows of Romani Ranch and for supplying Chateau Romani Milk at the local Milk Bar in Clock Town. In one of the side quests, you must assist her by raiding off the Gorman brothers.

Named after Romani Ranch by her father, but sadly, her father had passed away a few years back and she is struggling to keep the ranch up, which is often being attacked by UFOs.

The gravedigger underneath Ikana Graveyard. He needs your help to find the treasure buried undergound.

The youngest of the Gorman Brothers, who run the Gorman Race Track. He seems to be always sad and jelous of his older brother.

Happy Mask Dealer
As you may have suspected from the name, the Happy Mask Dealer sells mask, and his most precious, powerful mask, the Majora's Mask, was stolen from the Skull Kid (as mentioned above).

The Zora band of clock town.

Kafei can be found hiding out at the back entrance of the Curiosity Shop, wearing the Keaton Mask, which he is using to hide from the childhood form that the Skull Kid has cursed him with.

Half of Twinrova, Koume is stuck inside of the Woods of Mystery. If you help her, she'll give you a free ride on her Swamp Boat Cruise.

This guy is depended on to break the curse set upon by the Skull Kid and save the world.

Like most of these characters, this one returns from Ocarina of Time, and like in OoT, he'll give you helpful advice on the storyline, how to advance in the game, and even lead you to items that you can't get to without him.

The Postman, as you may have suspected, delivers mail to the people of Clock Town. He is very dedicated to his job, getting upset when you speak to him while on the job. There is a side quest in which you can get his Postman's Cap for yourself.

Skull Kid
This guy has stolen Majora's Mask, which he is using to put a curse on the moon, from the Happy Mask Salesman, and it's your duty to get past his evil and save the world.

Skull Kid's former companion, who now aids Link.

Tingle sells maps to you for each part of Termina. He has fantasies of becoming a fairy and is known for his phrase "Kooloom-pah!"